Optimize Training and Recovery.
Workouts may not always have the intended effect.
Exercise Log
Use the Exercise Log to track your weight-trainging, sports or cardiovascular workouts. You will be able to calculate calories burned and track information such as sets, reps, weight, duration, calories burned, distance, speed, heart rate or intensity.
You can create a set of workout templates for your most common workouts. A workout template will save a lot of time entering your workouts especially if they are similar from week to week. Workout templates can be very flexible. For example, personal trainers could create a set of workout templates for their clients who also use our online application. Trainers could then send the workout templates to their clients via e-mail.
At the heart of Exercise Log is your personal workout journal. This tool allows you to keep record of every workout, every calorie burned, every mile you travel. Entering a completed workout into your workout journal is incredibly satisfying. You had a great workout. Take a minute and record your results.
Customize your journal from a list of over 40 sports and activities. You only see the sports and options that you select. Track your 10,000 steps a day. Track your heart rate zones, record your distance in miles or kilometers. We provide lots of options. You select just the stuff you want. Your journal is flexible. You can change your settings at any time. If you need a sport that is not our list, just ask and we will add it for you.
Once you have added your favorite sports, you can start adding your daily workouts. As you add information, your journal will provide a summary of your hours, miles, calories, steps, etc.
Results You Can See
As you build up your database of workouts, you will be able to evaluate your results using monthly, weekly, and daily charts. Its easy to review your own workout performance based on your past history.
Exercise Log offers an entertaining, and educational view of your own workout history. Are you slacking, or on the edge of burning out? You will actually start to see your own working plan in a whole new light. You may find that based on your historic information you will have better results by adjusting your plan, or your goals.
Painless Workout Entry
Exercise Log is easy to learn and maintain. Most of the tools can be used without ever reading the instructions. You fill in the key information about your workout, and QAthlete calculates the rest.
You have the option of writing a summary of your workout in the workout details box. You can also save this workout as a regular workout so you can call it up later and save time reporting this workout in the future.
With each workout you record, you will gain a clearer picture of your own fitness level. Having a complete understanding of your current fitness makes it easy to set goals for the future.
Plan Your Workouts In Advance
Schedule your activities days, weeks, or months in advance with our workout planning utility. You can view your upcoming workouts or share your workout plans with your friends and workout partners using the friends sharing section. Get control of your entire training season from the very first day.
How You Use Your Exercise Log Is Up To You
Everyone has a different way they use their journal. Some athletes enter their information in once or more a day. Other athletes enter their information every few days or once a week. How and when you enter your information is up to you. In general, the more actively you participate in your own Exercise Log, the better you will understand your own goals. The more consistent you become with your entries, the greater your rate of success and the more motivated you will become to complete the goals you set.
Track the information that matters to you
* For all workouts: duration, personal ratings, heart rate data, and notes.
* For cardio workouts: route, distance, pace, ascent and intervals.
* For strength workouts: location, warm-up, cool-down, exercises.
* For your health: calorie/kJ intake, weight, body fat, mood, sleep, blood pressure, resting heart rate and body measurements.
Track cardio and weight training workouts
* Great for running, cycling, in-line skating, kayaking and weight training.
* Record multiple weight training and cardiovascular workouts per day.
* Track average, resting and maximum heart rate.
* Track the difficulty of each workout and how you felt.
* Track weather conditions, routes, injuries and equipment.
* Track up to 200 splits per workout.
* Create and save predefined workouts (programs); enter future workouts in one mouse-click.
* Print weight training programs that you can take to the gym.
* Track equipment use (such as mileage on running shoes).
* Know when to replace running shoes, bicycle tires and clothing.
* Calculates calories burned for hundreds of exercises and activities.
* Includes nearly 1200 exercises (also let's you add an unlimited number of new ones).